
Legal Claim Assistance prioritizes your privacy and has outlined our practices below:

When you become a client of Legal Claim Assistance, we will gather essential information such as your name, address, email, phone number, and billing details, including credit card information. This data is necessary for billing purposes, covering initial service setup fees, as well as monthly hosting, marketing, or support charges.

We uphold strict confidentiality regarding your personally identifiable information. This information will only be shared as necessary to fulfill the services you have explicitly asked for, as outlined further in the “third-party relationships” section below. We offer you tools to oversee and regulate the information you have willingly shared with us. Additionally, we provide channels for you to voice any privacy inquiries or apprehensions, ensuring that we address them comprehensively and with care.

To have all your information removed from our database and files, simply send an email to or a written letter to our main office. Upon receiving your request, we will promptly delete all pertinent information from our digital format within 14 business days.

If you’d like a copy of any information we have on file, simply email to request it. We’ll promptly send you a photocopy of your file by mail within 14 business days.

At Legal Claim Assistance, safeguarding your personal privacy is our top priority. We understand that whether you’re contemplating a business partnership with us or are already a valued customer, you care about how we gather, store, and utilize information regarding you and your association with our services.

Legal Claim Assistance does not engage in the sale of customer information to external entities. However, it’s important to note that certain circumstances may necessitate the disclosure of your information by law. These situations may include responding to a subpoena, preventing fraud, or complying with lawful inquiries from government agencies or federal regulators.

At Legal Claim Assistance, we strictly limit employee access to customer information to essential business purposes only. Access is granted based on the sensitivity of the information and the specific need-to-know basis of our employees or agents. We regularly remind our staff of their obligations under our contract, which outlines the strict requirements for handling customer information. Any disregard of these obligations will result in disciplinary action, including termination when necessary.

Access to all user information, including sensitive data, is tightly controlled within our offices. Only employees with a specific job requirement, such as billing or customer service, are given access to personally identifiable information. To further safeguard this data, our employees are required to use password-protected screen-savers whenever they step away from their desks. Upon their return, they must re-enter their password to regain access to your information.

Additionally, all our employees receive regular updates on our security and privacy protocols. We ensure that every quarter, and whenever new policies are implemented, our team is informed and reminded of the paramount importance we place on safeguarding our customers’ information. Moreover, the servers housing personally identifiable data are securely stored in a controlled environment, accessible only behind locked doors.

We have implemented and consistently uphold security standards and protocols to safeguard you against unauthorized access to your confidential information, including over the Internet.

We employ a daily review of system and application activity logs as an additional mechanism to safeguard our systems and your information. These logs undergo regular scrutiny, with any anomalies or discrepancies thoroughly investigated, and immediate action is taken as necessary.

For added security, we implement a timeout feature. This feature ensures that if there’s no activity on your merchant service session for an extended period, you will be automatically logged out from the payment gateway site.

As our services evolve, our privacy policy may also undergo changes. We recommend periodically revisiting this page to stay informed about how we handle your information. Any updates to our privacy policy will be promptly communicated to our existing clients via email. It’s essential to ensure that we have your current and valid email address on record. By using our website or any affiliated platforms, you agree to abide by the terms outlined in the Legal Claim Assistance privacy policy. In the event of modifications to our privacy policy, we will promptly update this page to provide transparency regarding the information we collect, how we utilize it, and the circumstances under which we may disclose it. Your continued use of our website or related services indicates your acceptance of any such revisions.

For inquiries regarding our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us using the details provided below:

Legal Claim Assistance
Pune, India

To address any concerns regarding our privacy policy and its implementation, please follow these steps:

Contact us via the provided physical address or email address. In your communication, provide a detailed explanation of any instances where you believe we have not adhered to our privacy policy.

Upon receiving your correspondence, a senior staff member will promptly review your issue.

We will reach out to you to discuss the matter further and work towards a resolution.

If you have any inquiries about your privacy or our security measures, feel free to reach out to us at 323-763-8247 or via email at

For More Information About Our Services